Set 01Results

By: Larry Cohen

Set 01Results

Results for Set 1 (for instructions, click here).

Deal 1: East deals, both vulnerbale

Q J 4
A K 10 9 8 7
Q 4 3
A 10 8 3
6 2
A K 6 5
K Q 4

Deal 1 Scores:

6NT: 10
6: 8
6: 6
4NT: 4 (note--when 4NT gets an award, the same score applies for 3NT)
4: 3
4: 2

Deal 1 Suggestions:

East opens 1NT, and West is likely to drive to slam. He will transfer to hearts to start. After doing so, he can use 5NT pick-a-slam and East will choose 6NT.

Deal 2: South deals and opens 1, both vulnerable

A Q J 8 4 2
J 10 9 8 6 5 3
K 7 6
Q 8 5 2
A 10 7 6

Deal 2 Scores:

7: 10
6: 8
7: 6
6: 5
5: 3 (note--when 5 gets an award, the same score applies for 4)

Deal 2 Suggestions:

After South opens 1, there is no normal method to show West's 2-suiter (+). There are numerous tactics West can take--either going low or high. I would imagine that if this hand were bid at 25 tables, there would be 25 different auctions. If West guesses to overcall 1, East will bid 2. Who knows what will happen next? If West overcalls 1 (his longest suit), East might just bid 3NT. Then West would bid spades and again it becomes a guessing game. 7 is better than 7 because it makes if diamonds behave or if spades are 2-2 and diamonds aren't 4-0. This one is a freak!

Deal 3: West deals, neither vulnerable, North bids 3

K J 8
A 10 8
A K J 10 7 6
A Q 7 6 4
7 3 2
6 4
Q 3 2

Deal 3 Scores:

7NT: 10
7: 9
7: 8
6NT : 7
6 : 6
6: 5
5NT: 2
Other games: 1

Deal 3 Suggestions:

West is strong enough to open 2 after which North preempts to 3. East bids 3 (might as well get those spades in while the getting is good). West can bid 4NT (RKC) and East shows 1 Keycard. West asks for the Q and East shows it. West now bids 7, hoping the clubs will set up with a ruff (or that East has the queen). As to how to reach 7NT? Good luck!

Deal 4:

A 8 7 6 4 2
A K 3
Q 4 2
8 7
K Q 10 9 6 5 2
J 7 3

Deal 4 Scores: West deals, neither vulnerable

4/5: 10
2: 7
3: 5
2NT: 3
Other games: 2

Deal 4 suggestions:

West opens 1, East responds 1NT and West has a tough rebid. No number of spades is perfect. The "expert" rebid is 2, hopefully in tempo. I expect most readers to rebid 3, which will probably end the auction. If West does choose that sexy 2 rebid ("hoping to get another chance" as Al Roth would say), East will now bid diamonds forever, and maybe diamonds will be reached.

Full book of practice bidding hands